All other banks have come up with a combination of asset sales, risk-weighting recalculations, profit retention projections and so-called liability management exercises, involving the buying back of debt that is trading below par values, a process that triggers an immediate capital gain. 所有其他银行都提出了包括资产出售、风险加权资产重新计算、利润留存预测和所谓的负债管理的综合措施。其中负债管理是指回购市价低于面值的债务,它会立即产生资本利得。
If the new capital standards are to be credible, it is unlikely that the banks will be able to meet them over any reasonable time period simply through profit retention. 如果新资本标准是可信的,银行就不太可能仅通过留存利润就能在合理的时间范围内满足新标准。
The benefits ought to be similar. For increased profit margins, customer satisfaction and long-term brand affinity, read greater employee retention, satisfaction and loyalty. 定制的好处应该是类似的:为了提高利润率、客户满意度和长期的品牌亲和力,获得更高的员工稳定性、满意度和忠诚度。
Such an injection can come only from profit retention or fresh equity. 此类资本注入只能来自留存利润或增发股份。
Recently his research has focused on the application of profit models in testing the effects of supplemental instruction on student achievement and retention. 最近研究着重于利润模型应用在测试辅助工具对于学生学习成就及学后保留的效果。
As to that profit retention plays a significant role in the endogenous financing, dividend policy has a close connection with the endogenous financing. 因为留存盈利构成上市公司内源融资的重要方面,故股利政策和上市公司的内源融资息息相关。
This paper segments customer into four types based on customer lifetime profit, and presents a set of strategies on resource allocation and customer retention for various types of customer. 本文根据客户全生命周期利润(CLP)将客户分成四类,并对每类客户提出了相应的资源配置和保持策略。
For enterprises, their profit lies on not only the customer's quantity and scale, but also the customer retention and loyalism. 影响企业利润的不仅是客户的数量和规模,更重要的是企业客户的稳定性和长期性。
On the other hand, CRM also can effectively increase the profit, improve the service value, enhance the customer satisfaction and customer retention. 另一方面,有效的客户资源管理也能增加公司的盈利状况。通过客户关系管理,全面提高公司的服务价值,提升客户满意度和客户保留率,增加客户的重复购买。
In recent years the Employee Engagement has become the hot point, and researches show that it affects the result variables such as the profit margin, productivity, loyalty, employees retention and customers loyalty. 员工敬业度近年来成为企业越来越关注的热点,研究表明它对组织的利润率、生产率、员工保留、顾客忠诚等结果变量均有影响,是衡量企业管理效度高低的重要指标。